: +91 9348017846 | : contact@briskheal.org


  • VediCana Arogya Vati

    VediCana Arogya Vati composition of Giloy, Neem, Tulsi, Haldi and Pippali makes it one of the unique combination of products available in India.

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    Explore Your Products

    BriskHeal always believes in giving information to our guests regarding various natural, herbal and authentic products available. We simply say this is not a selling platform only. If anyone wants to understand the basics please go through same.

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    Essential Oil

    BriskHeal always believes in giving information to our guests regarding various natural, herbal and authentic products available. We simply say this is not a selling platform only. If anyone wants to understand the basics

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    Ayur vs Allo

    BriskHeal being a purely dedicated herbal portal pondered on recent debate and discussion which has created a massive misunderstanding between Ayurveda and Allopathy. We discussed the matter with one of prominent allopathy practitioner, Dr. Bachaspati Dash, MD,

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    My Message to you.

    Hi Guests, BriskHeal, Herbal Basket for Human Health, is available in almost all social sites. Purpose and objective are to reach to you to provide the basket

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    Hair, Nail & Skin Care

    Wow your hairs are so long and beautiful! Hey look at her nails so pink and thick! Hair, skin and nail the most important parts of the body and needs much more care

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    Digestive and Colon

    If your routine is good and on time then your digestion system is good. To improve absorption and need to keep the stomach related fire solid, Ayurveda recommends cures that you can without much of a stretch join in your everyday system,

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    Lets understand Naturopathy!!

    BriskHeal at present associated with one of the renowned Naturopathy college in Eastern part of India. Hardly 25kms away from state capital Bhubaneswar, emerging as a strong facilitator center for patients those who believe in naturopathy

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    Mind and Memory

    Oh, I forgot! Sorry I am not able to recognize you? Are some of the answers we get from our mind when we do not remember things or you can say memory diminishes? Not everyone is blessed with a strong and smart

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    Dr. Sudarshan Dash

    It is indeed our privilege and honour to capture details of legendry late Dr. Sudarshan Dash. BriskHeal, Herbal Basket for Human Health is extremely lucky to collect photograph and few accolades received by Dr. Dash. We are here to make his

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    Immune System

    If immunity of your body is good, then it can tolerate any disease. At the point when the body is loaded up with infectious food and drinks, the contaminations and sicknesses around you find prolific ground to thrive, accordingly bargaining

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    Health and Weight Management

    There’s endless discussion about weight loss and health on the internet today, but it can be a challenge to cut through the chatter about new diet trends and workout programs to find what works best for you. Both the terms health and weight

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