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Puriance Uterine Tonic

Puriance Uterine Tonic is a natural tonic for women. It helps aid normal and healthy uterine function. It is useful in treatment of dysmenorrhea, leucorrhoea and pre-menopausal complications. Puriance Uterine toinc available in 200 ml Bottle

  • Each 5 ml contains extract of;
  • Ashoka 400mg
  • Acts on uterine muscles and endometrium and thus provides relief from abdominal pain and other spasms. It also helps to treat irregular menstrual cycles, amenorrhea, leucorrhea, fibroids, cysts and other related disorders. Thus Ashoka tree is widely used to treat gynecological and menstrual problems in women.

  • Ashwagandha 150mg
  • Helping the body adapt to stress, ashwagandha has many benefits for women including gentle hormone balancing, and reproductive support. It also assists with improving mood and supporting cognitive function.

  • Shatawar 150mg
  • Shatavari helps to correct the hormonal balance and makes the cycle regular. It also helps lower the activity of mediators that cause pain and cramps during periods.

  • Bhumiamla 150mg
  • It is good to reduce heavy bleeding in the menstrual period due to its Sita (cold ) potency and Kashaya (astringent) property which helps in balancing Pitta and control excessive blood flow.

  • Lodhra 150mg
  • To get relief from leucorrhea and other menstrual problems. Known for its anti inflammatory, antimicrobial and astringent properties which fasten healing

  • Mulathi 100mg
  • The phytoestrogenic bio-active substances in mulathi is also extremely beneficial in keeping the hormonal balance, battling menstrual cramps, and providing relief from mood swings, hot flashes, depression, insomnia, sweating etc during the menstrual cycle.

  • Gokhru 100mg
  • Also called Gokshura is also advantageous in regularizing an irregular menstrual cycle by ensuring consistent monthly ovulation. Gokhru benefits PCOS by controlling cyst growth and sometimes even reducing cyst growth.

  • Amra 100mg
  • A good source of vitamin A that promotes healthy eyes, skin and overall health of vital organs. Also rich in calcium, regular intake of amra will ensure you have healthy bones, your heart and muscles function well, and to prevent osteoporosis.

  • Jambu 100mg
  • The abundance of iron in makes it one of the natural foods to purify blood, increases red blood cells and haemoglobin count of blood. Balance the huge amount of blood loss. It helps body to recover from weakness and fatigue.

  • Semal Musli 100mg
  • Roots of the semal musli are used for treating dysentery, diarrhea, and menorrhagia and effectively helps in treating wounds

  • Dalchini 40mg
  • Aids in reducing the flow by helping divert blood flow away from the uterus. During and before your period, using cinnamon can help reduce your menstrual flow naurally

  • Laung 40mg
  • Clove oil gives fast relief from menstrual cramps and shortens the duration of menstruation. Clove is an anti-inflammatory spice as it contains eugenol, which is quite beneficial to ease the symptoms of the period. Also limits excessive menstrual bleeding

  • Pipalli 40mg
  • Pippali has been used since time immemorial for managing the heavy menstrual flow and combating menstrual cramps.

  • Rakta Chandan 40mg
  • Controls Pitta disorders and menorrhagia

  • Amla 25mg
  • Regulates menstrual cycle and causes hormonal balance

  • Hara 25mg
  • Controls homonal imbalances and improves fertility

  • Bahera 25mg
  • Improves immunity to fight internal and external infections

  • Rock Salt 25mg
  • Balances urinary sodium loss during menstrual cycle.

  • Suhaga 25mg
  • Relieves abdominal pain, dysmenorrhea and foul-smelling urine.

  • Ulat Kambal 25mg
  • is an extremely beneficial herb for women. The root bark powder of this herb is effective in providing relief from painful periods .

  • Gambhari 25mg
  • Useful in treating bleeding disorders, heavy periods

  • Daruhaldi 10mg
  • Menorrhagia or heavy menstrual bleeding is known as Raktapradar or excessive secretion of menstrual blood. Daruhaldi helps to control heavy menstrual bleeding. This is due to its Kashaya (astringent) property.

  • Shunthi 10mg
  • It is a natural pain killer, used in Ayurveda to relieve all types of pain including abdominal colicky pain, joint pain, headaches and menstrual pain as it balances vata dosha in body.

  • Chirata 10mg
  • Powered with antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, chirata offers blood purifying activity. Owing to the Tikta (bitter) taste and Pitta balancing property, it removes toxins from the blood.

  • Guruchi 10mg
  • Helps increase the effectiveness of protective white blood cells which fight infection.The herb also augments immune responses to infections

    Shake well before use